We are pleased to introduce the first Gender Pay Gap report for DPL Group Ltd. This follows enactment of the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 which mandates reporting for all organisations with over 150 employees. Our gender pay gap results are based on a snapshot of our staff as at Week 22 June 2024. Throughout the Company, we aim to provide a professional, inclusive and supportive environment, where all staff members are valued for the work that they do and who they are. We strive to ensure that women are represented and have equal inclusion in senior level and high visibility positions. We hope that reporting on the Company’s gender pay gap can drive better representation generally across the Company as we aim to build an increasingly diverse workforce.
- Introduction
This is the Company’s first Gender Pay Gap report. The gender pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of men and women across a workforce, with the range of metrics being set out in the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021. Organisations with over 150 employees are being asked to report on their Gender Pay Gap for the first time in 2024. The report highlights the difference between male and female employees’ average annualised base pay. A gender pay gap is not the same as unequal pay. Paying an individual less than a colleague for the same job (unequal pay), purely on account of their gender, is prohibited under equality legislation.
This report sets out our gender pay gap results by:
- mean gender pay gap in hourly pay
- median gender pay gap in hourly pay
- proportion of men and women in each pay quartile
Gender Pay Gap Analysis
As per the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021, the following metrics have been applied to DPL Group staff as follows:
Snapshot date: Week 22 01/06/2024
Reporting period-from: Week 22 01/06/2023
Reporting period-to: Week 22 01/06/2024
Headcount on snapshot
Headcount Fulltime Employees
Male 133 73.5%
Female 48 26.5%
Total 181
Female Male
Management 20% 80%
Sales 10% 90%
Administration 93% 07%
Production/Transport 00% 100%
Gender Gap in Bonuses
Female Male
100% 91%
Gender Pay Gap BIK
Female Male
00% 20%
GPG Metrics for all Staff at 01st June 2024 (totalling 181 employees)
Mean Hourly Median Hourly
Pay Gap Pay Gap
8.20% 6.63%
Quartile Analysis for all staff at 01st June 2024 (totalling 181 employees)
Q1- Male: 67% Female: 33%
Q2- Male: 77% Female: 23%
Q3- Male: 78% Female: 22%
Q4- Male: 76% Female: 24%
Reasons for Gender Pay Gap
The report reveals the gap between the average hourly earnings of men and women in our business, which reflects the historical under-representation of women at senior levels across the Builders Merchant Sector, which means there is a higher proportion of men in these senior roles today than women. While the gap appears marked, when we undertook further analysis around pay quartiles it became clear where the real variance exists.
We continue to focus on enhancing the career progression opportunities for women, particularly in leadership roles, to reduce the gender pay gap. Our efforts extend beyond gender to embrace diversity in its entirety, reflecting our belief that a diverse workforce is key to our success.
John Peare
Managing Director DPL Group Ltd